Fascinating Detective Not Without Flaws: Paradise Killer Review

The detective genre is still a rarity in the gaming industry, especially when it comes to the search for evidence, interrogations and a full-fledged investigation. Of course, you can find several visual novels, like Dry drowning, puzzles by type Murder by Numbers, or even remember the series Danganronpabut this is clearly not enough. And it is especially pleasant that the company Kaizen Game Works released a very strange, bright and unusual game in the style of projects from Suda 51 entitled Paradise killer

The world of Paradise Killer exists in an alternative reality, where people, under the influence of social factors, have turned into idolaters, believers in alien gods. In an attempt to create a paradise on Earth, the immortal Syndicate with the help of psychic energy wants to revive those very highest beings on an isolated island. But the ideal concept fails due to a demonic invasion. With each new attempt and restart, the island of demons becomes less and less, and for the 25th time the council of priests must conduct the very correct ritual and organize a small paradise. However, at this turning point, someone kills all of the council members in a protected and completely safe room. And then the Syndicate calls from the long-term exile the main character Lady Love Dies, who must conduct her investigation, collect evidence and find the perpetrators before the highest court.

It should be noted right away that you can blame one of the inhabitants of the island both after half an hour from the beginning of the game, and after fifteen hours of painstaking investigation. And this freedom allows you to take your responsibilities as seriously as possible.

Lady Love Dies can freely move around the territory, hack closed areas using her computer and interrogate numerous witnesses, and in some cases buy information. The local currency is blood crystals, which are scattered throughout the island. With the help of them, you can open points of fast travel and move between different corners, improve your computer and acquire valuable data that can be useful in this difficult case.

Almost all locals have their own secrets and motives for the murder, and the hidden evidence and your detective mind should bring them to clean water. At the same time, all the results of the interrogation and the collected materials are laid out in folders: facts and evidence allow, on a convenient diagram, to confirm or refute one or another version. Moreover, during the trial itself, the game gently pushes towards the correct construction of the line of accusation, pointing out inconsistencies or failures of the investigation.

All action in the world of Paradise Killer takes place in the first person, where you travel across colorful locations with demonic statues, strange heroes and vivid environments. The heroine can jump and fall from high surfaces without getting hurt. Often you have to jump in order to reach the crystal while moving. At the same time, new evidence or testimony will force you to run from one character to another in an effort to complete the plump investigation folder.