Adzhay Geyl, born in Kirata, but in early childhood exported to the United States, returns home to fulfill the last request for the mother – to dispel her ashes at home.
A few minutes later, we are faced with Peyganom Minh. Ten minutes later – sitting with him at the table, and the hamming Peygan in every way and even tasting the ashes of Gale’s mother.
It takes half an hour, and Ajay – the only hope of the local revolutionary movement “Golden Road”, and each counter is a couple of minutes to tell him what wonderful people were his parents. In general, here too, and the truth is not wriggle out – you have to comply.
Animal world
Animals – elephants, rhinos, wild dogs, tigers, wolves, eagles, mountain goats and others – became a symbol of Far Cry 4. Ajay uses skins to create more capacious backpack, holsters, quiver, purse.
The meat turns into a bait for wild animals: sitting in the bushes, throw a piece into the crowd of enemies and wait until they come running wild bear or a tiger and not attack the army Peygana.
While the enemies are at war with nature, pelted them with Molotov cocktails, grenades, or just shoot in the back. However, after the bear would deal with the enemy, he might switch to the hero – it’s worth keeping in mind that most do not become a victim.
Writers of the series Far Cry has always seemed to me the people of half-baked in the head. But by the fourth part of the remnants of common sense left them completely.
Each character here – a hyperbolized set of cliches inherent in a bad Hollywood movies. If at first glance, before you fine villain, then a minute later becomes clear – it’s almost a man-eater, which is in between the torture calls his little daughter and lisping voice asked her,
“How was your day, honey?” If feministichnaya minded girl pushes _ * _ kisya-style-speech, the result will be a bloodthirsty bitch that wants to turn the country into narkoimperiyu, and how many will die while her fellow citizens – the issue tenth.
Priest-Lord of War, topless goddess, a local guru, cut on the throat of the camera ritual sheep, a couple obdolbyshey, one of the leader of the revolution, which would suit the slogan “One I’m smart in a white coat standing beautiful” – in Far Cry 4 no hint of halftones.
But all this was done with such irony that only true nerds face grimaced sour grimace. However, I can understand those who are such strong acid simply “does not go.” Fortunately, the game has something to do in addition to meetings with silly characters.
Gladiator fights
To test their strength and agility Ajay is the arena, a separate zone located in the center of Kirata. All three modes. Infinite – enemies will attack the hero wave after wave.
Each successive wave will be much stronger than the previous one. Win in this mode can not be – sooner or later, Ajay dies. Test with a weapon – a mode in which the hero is given a specific ammunition and put a variety of tasks.
One of my favorite modes, because it provides an opportunity to better understand the mechanics of each stem. In the “battle” into the arena out several teams (under the control of artificial intelligence), who are fighting with each other. In the last round you meet with the winning team.
Kirata itself – a magical place. You always catch myself on the fact that a few minutes staring at the sunset, the elephants, who came to the pond, then a huge eagle, stone unsuspecting animals falling on anything, and then taking away with its prey into the distance.
The world lives without you, you are here – the guest. Driving around the valley on an old jeep, you will not just deal with the crossfire between the revolutionaries and the army Peygana Mina. You can stop and intervene in the fight, and it is possible to pass by. On the way back you will see several corpses and a lone woman, mourning their loved ones.