Fallout 76 players get hype about toilet paper – review

The COVID-19 virus pandemic has created an increased demand for various products for hygiene and sanitation. Including an absolutely inexplicable hype about toilet paper: in many countries, shelves with it are completely cleaned, and fights are arranged for the packaging that appears.

Players reproduce this situation in their post-apocalypse. Fallout 76. By universal agreement, toilet paper rolls have become the subject of a new cult, and their happy owners are trying in every possible way to show the goods face.

Toilet paper under my control. This city is mine!

All guys use the leaves! I was here

Mole Man – Yesterday, Fallout 76 is now a new cult

In-game toilet paper is sold and bought at insane prices. User Reddit I was surprised that someone bought four rolls of 450 covers each. In response, the player announced that he had sold his paper for 20 thousand caps.

All these demonstrations are purely jokes and role-playing. Indeed, in the world of Fallout 76, stocks of toilet paper, like other resources, are endless. Yes, and you can’t use it in any way, this object is purely decorative.

There is one more reason: as many have noted, there are currently not many content worth spending money on in Fallout 76. And a good joke is perhaps the best choice.

Players remind you to wash your hands …

And take care of your own safety

A deleted scene with sold toilet paper found in The Walking Dead

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