Echo, Fantasy Science Stealth Review

Inside the silent planet
We dress En, a young albino, and the context is that of a far-reaching future. The woman arrives on a mysterious planet after a 100-year-old crying trip. The place has been set up to accommodate humans, but no one has ever arrived. En, helped by the AI ​​of his ship, will go deeper into depth. A key to this will be a mysterious red cube, which will help him to b
reak into the labyrinth. The six chapters of the game then dwindle with aseptic calm, relying almost entirely on En and his AI to tell the story. There will be many dialogues between the two, entrusted to the most classic of science-fiction contrasts: the rational cynicism of the computer that can not comprehend humanity. This is the idea behind both background and gameplay: the technology of the planet had been programmed to
be activated if colonists arrived. But I am alone, and this will horribly distort the computer, until it becomes hostile. The descent takes on the outlines of an oppressive path, in which the various sources of energy must be collected and channeled. All this has the ultimate aim of opening the way for the next rooms until they reach the core. A simple mechanics that lives in contrast to subtle technology and the aseptic and twisted architecture of th
e uninhabited colony. Determination of En, which came here fundamentally driven by a dream and grandfather’s teachings, naturally leads to imitation in her, rather than in the foreseeable rationality of the car. and this will distort the computer terribly, until it becomes hostile. The descent takes on the outlines of an oppressive path, in which the various sources of energy must be collected and channeled. All this has the ultimate aim of opening the
way for the next rooms until they reach the core. A simple mechanics that lives in contrast to subtle technology and the aseptic and twisted architecture of the uninhabited colony. Determination of En, which came here fundamentally driven by a dream and grandfather’s teachings, naturally leads to imitation in her, rather than in the foreseeable rationality of the car. and this will distort the computer terribly, until it becomes hostile. The descent takes on the outlines
of an oppressive path, in which the various sources of energy must be collected and channeled. All this has the ultimate aim of opening the way for the next rooms until they reach the core. A simple mechanics that lives in contrast to subtle technology and the aseptic and twisted architecture of the uninhabited colony. Determination of En, which came here fundame
ntally driven by a dream and grandfather’s teachings, naturally leads to imitation in her, rather than in the foreseeable rationality of the car. All this has the ultimate aim of opening the way for the next rooms until they reach the core.
A simple mechanics that lives in contrast to subtle technology and the aseptic and twisted architecture of the uninhabited col
ony. Determination of En, which came here fundamentally driven by a dream and grandfather’s teachings, naturally leads to imitation in her, rather than in the foreseeable rationality of the car. All this has the ultimate aim of opening the way for the next rooms until they reach the core
. A simple mechanics that lives in contrast to subtle technology and the aseptic and twisted architecture of the uninhabited colony. Determination of En, which has come here basically driven by a dream and grandfather’s teachings, naturally leads to imitation in her, rather than in the foreseeable rationality of the car.
Echo, Fantasy Science Stealth Review
The clone learns, the clone does
Just like the plot, even diving is dictated by minimalist mechanics. The building where the action takes place looks disturbingly ordered, th
e symbol of a technology escaping any control. This forgotten technology will generate abomas first and clones then, in a seemingly endless cycle. The entities we are dealing with most of the time will be imperfect clones of En. They will hav
e the sole purpose of finding and seizing us; if they succeed in the intent, we will have to press the Circle key repeatedly to release. And just because we are interpreting a human being (as reinforced by the suit) the resources available are limited. You can take it, push the clones away to prevent us from taking on, actions that consume stamina.
There is also the most drastic solution of striking them with the gun. However effective, the latter action will consume the energy of the suit, to be charged at special balls for single use. I can survive only one shot (that is, “grabbing” or bullet) and a second consecutive will lead to death. An additional obstacle to progression lies in the instability of the palace system: he
will record the actions En performs most frequently, and at each reboot he will also imitate the clones. If you have focused on agility they will be faster, if you have opted for the “strong manners” they will shoot at you. This in fact forces us to constantly change the ap
proach; lifts and short walk outside will be valuable free zones. Additional help will be provided by some objects scattered around the map, which will distract them causing sounds or loud noises. Nevertheless, the fact remains that the possibility of hiding behind the many scenic elements (you can only cuddle) is left out, which highlights stealthy mechanics that are not entirely refined.