Drone Strike Force renamed to Sky Link – review addiction

Independent studio Odisi Games decided to globally change everything. Her debut project Drone strike forcewhich has been in Early Access since 2019 Steam, now called Sky link… And the game itself is presented as the world’s fastest online shooter.

Sky Link really takes place at high speeds, and we control aerial vehicles to crush our opponent. And, as the action takes place in a high-tech future, information becomes the main bone of contention.

The main Sky Link mode will be Upload, a tactical competition for two teams of three each. One of the teams must download information using certain points on the map. The second should not allow rivals to complete the download. However, you can win by simply killing all the enemies.

During the summer Steam festival, the game can be bought for half the price, for only 217 rubles. No release date has yet been announced.

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