Dragon Ball Xenovers 2 – DB Super Pack 1

From the 6th Universe with (not much) Fury
We begin our overview of the DB Super Pack 1 with the most complete addition, as well as appealing to the players. The first additional content introduces two new playable characters, namely Sayan Cabba and Frost, belonging to the same Frieza race. For those who did not know it, Cabba and Frost made their appearance in the recent Dragon Ball Super , representing some of the strongest warriors of the 6th Universe, intent on challenging a true Goku and companion martial arts tournament instead of the 7th Universe.
The first of the two is able to use both melee and mid-range techniques, including Vegeta’s Galan Cannon and a Ultimate storming the opponent with a series of kicks and punches followed by a stroke of aura . Already from this single mov
e it is possible to denote the laziness with which the two characters have been realized, concretized in an ultimate which is nothing more than a normal combo of weak attacks followed by a stroke of the aura loaded. In addition, Cabba can become Super Sayan, in fact a rather standard character and will hardly be used after a first-comeed-up approach.
Frost instead appears directly in its perfect body shape, without having the ability to further transform. This second character is even less interest
ing than the previous one, mainly because of rather anonymous moves, whose only exception is the ultimate “Secret Poison”, capable of inflicting rather low damage to the opponent, leaving him, however, with poison status. This is undoubtedly an interesting technique in the premise and entirely in line with the character, but the effectiveness doubts as it seems to limit itself to occasionally interrupt the opponent.

The space for better content was there
As you have easily guessed the addition of only two characters, not even so interesting to play, it’s not exactly the best business card that Dimps could give players with this first DLC.Being focused on warriors of the 6th Universe, such as Champa, Vados, Botamo and Magetta would not only be sensational but would exponentially exhilarate downl
oadable content that was not exactly exciting. Hit, the only non-quoted person belonging to the group mentioned above, is present as the only teacher introduced in the package. Legendary Sicary lessons, in addition to being particularly challenging, allow you to learn all his moves except for the ultimate, which can only be obtained through the Dragon Shenron.
These are pretty intriguing and flashy physical techniques, but difficult to use as they are only possible if the opponent is very close to the character and in any case easy to dodge. In this case we are in front of a ‘ the most appealing addition to the prev
ious one, but it is present in the form of a single teacher and therefore not relevant. The remaining novelties are represented by two gestures and three new parallel missions, which we remember being optional clashes usually against multiple opponents. The t
hree missions represent the true playable part of the DLC, enabling two new habits, namely the Champa dresses and the Cabba battle suit, and five super souls. Unfortunately no new map has been introduced, as well as missions that contain some hint in reference to
the theme-theme saga to the package. The remaining novelties are represented by two gestures and three new parallel missions, which we remember being optional clashes usually against multiple opponents. The three missions represent the true playable part of the DLC, enabling two new habits, namely the Champa dresses and the Cabba battle suit, and five super
souls. Unfortunately no new map has been introduced, as well as missions that contain some hint in reference to the theme-theme saga to the package. The remaining novelties are represented by two gestures and three new parallel missions, which we remember being opti
onal clashes usually against multiple opponents. The three missions represent the true playable part of the DLC, enabling two new habits, namely the Champa dresses and the Cabba battle suit, and five super souls. Unfortunately no new map has been introduced,
as well as missions that contain some hint in reference to the theme-theme saga to the package.All this is proposed for the figure of 7.99 euro, a price that, although it may seem low, is still not adequate for the contents introduced.