Cyberpunk Neckline – Cosplay Evelyn Parker from Cyberpunk 2077

Model Lada Lumos recreated the image of the heroine of the game Cyberpunk 2077 Evelyn Parker. Photos were published on the girl’s instagram.



Evelyn Parker is the mistress of the head of the Steel Dragons criminal gang, Yorinobu Arasaki. Before working in a nightclub, she dreamed of becoming an actress. Later, Evelyn contacted the gangs, which had a deplorable effect on her fate.

The cosplay turned out to be frank, and the model and photographer managed to convey the character of the heroine, whose hopes were dashed by the harsh reality of cyberpunk. In the comments under the cosplay post, fans commented on the heroine’s costume and shooting lighting.

Previously, model Erica Nightingale presented cosplay for Yennefer from Vengerberg. As a basis for the costume, she took the image of a sorceress from the game The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt from CD Projekt RED.

Cosplay for Evelyn Parker from Cyberpunk 2077. Cosplayer: Lada Lumos. Photographer: Kira Mitenkova. Source:
  • Cosplayer: Lada Lumos.
  • Photographer: Kira Mitenkova.