“Coin Coin” versus “Lilac and Gooseberry” – cosplay on the windy Buttercup and the jealous Priscilla

Cosplayers Vitaliy Einer and Christina of Rivia tried on the images of Buttercup and Priscilla from The Witcher. The plot photo session about the love and jealousy of the musicians was published on VKontakte.

Cosplayers came up with a story about heroes: Buttercup wanted to have fun with a lady of “low social responsibility”, but Priscilla found them in the process of communication. A longtime friend of the bard decided to show her character, and as a result, Julian Alfred Pankratz, Viscount de Lettenhof (this is the full name of Buttercup) was forced to cancel his plans.

Iris Fedorova, Azofel Dath, Dmitry Bugakov and Stepan Ubedilo also took part in the shooting, and the photographer Olga Dubrovskaya captured everything. The costumes were based on character models from The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt by CD Projekt RED.

Cosplay on characters from The Witcher. Buttercup and Priscilla. Source: vk.com/kotenotproject
  • Priscilla: Christina of Rivia;
  • Buttercup: Vitaliy Joiner;
  • photographer: Olga Dubrovskaya.