CD Project at a cost almost equal to Ubisoft – review

At a time when the coronavirus pandemic has hit the global economic crisis, many companies and entire industries are experiencing major shocks that they may not be able to get out of. What’s even more impressive is what’s happening with Cd projekt.

Recall recent events: after the announcement of the postponement of the release Cyberpunk 2077 CD Projekt stocks shook, and analysts lowered their forecasts. But this decline did not last long. In early February, CD Projekt made up for a fall and bypassed the Polish bank in terms of capitalization Santander and oil and gas company PKN Orlen.
In March, CD Projekt was recognized as the “Company of the Year” on the Polish stock exchange. And in April, the company’s capitalization reached a record amount: $ 7.6 billion, it became the most “expensive” company in Poland.
Recent data is already outdated. Over the week, CD Projekt shares rose 3%, now each of them costs almost $ 87. This led to a new capitalization record: the “price” of the company is approximately 8.3 billion dollars.

At the total cost, CD Projekt confidently catches up Ubisoftso far they are separated by about 240 million dollars. But if the trend continues, then this gap will quickly disappear.

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