Category: World Of Warcraft
CCI Development Team Hearthstone key employees left, who were transferred to a secret project. It’s about the main game designer of the game Mike Donayce which will be assisted …
Warcraft 3 – The game without exaggeration is great. Not one generation of players managed to grow on it, but the MMORPG following the strategy World of warcraft and …
Recently released Warcraft III: Reforged became a real disappointment for the fan community and caused flurry of discontent to company address Blizzard. Against the background of this project, the …
Company Blizzard decided to integrate into Overwatch a system of banning the use of certain characters in ranked matches. However, the implementation method was not quite standard. Solution developers …
Scandal around the release Warcraft 3: Reforged continues to gain momentum. As previously reported, Blizzard Released not exactly what the fans expected. In addition, a number of promises were …
Despite the fact that 2023 is only gaining momentum, the company Blizzard managed to set a new anti-record. Fact that the strategy Warcraft III: Reforged became the worst game …
Leading Guilds World of warcraft continue the raid race at the final stage of the expansion “Battle of Azeroth“. The Mythic Awakening City raid began three days ago, on …
Custom Strategy Ranking Warcraft III: Reforged on the Metacritic website dropped below the mark of 1 point – to the value 0.9 out of 10. This is an absolute …
Scandalous release Warcraft III: Reforged continues to be a topic of discussion on the net, and the user rating on Metacritic is steadily declining amid what is happening. If …
The user rating of Warcraft III: Reforged dropped to 1 point out of 10. However, this is not the worst result in the history of the aggregator. We’ll talk …