Category: World Of Warcraft
Recently it became known that the company Activision Blizzard major personnel changes have occurred. The current president of the company, Collister Johnson, is leaving his post, he will be …
After 20 years of work, the studio Blizzard left the screenwriter Michael Chuwho was in charge of the plot Overwatch. This is stated in his official appeal. Chu joined …
In January 2023, Warcraft III: Reforged was released – a remaster of the same name RTS, which, just a few days after the release, became one of the most …
Slendydaddy showed what the loading screens of Kalimdor and the Eastern Kingdoms should look like in the next World of Warcraft expansion: Shadowlands. He published the concept on reddit. …
Mothka introduced a series of drawings of World of Warcraft, which depicted the key characters and bosses of the game in the form of pets. The girl posted her …
In World of Warcraft, it is not so easy to change your character if he got out of the meta – pumping and collecting powerful equipment for twins takes …
A fan of World of Warcraft has defined the number of quests in various Blizzard MMORPG locations. A color scheme map showing the approximate number of quests in the …
A player in Hearthstone under the nickname Sgtxam made a map of Azeroth – the world of World of Warcraft – on which he marked the locations of all …
The Russian-speaking World of Warcraft community has always been distinguished by excellent organization and bright, charismatic leaders. In the days of Classic, the CIS did not have its own …
Russian cosplayer Natasha Kochetkovabetter known by the pseudonym Narga, pleased her fans with a new job. The girl tried on herself the image of the sorceress Jaina Proudmoore from …