Category: World Of Warcraft
Since the release of Heroes of Might and Magic III, franchise fans have created several mods and released many unofficial patches. Sometimes they were so global that they changed …
Many have heard about weddings in online games, but not everyone knows how unusual virtual ceremonies go. Sometimes lovers who met on the network, enter into unions to check …
Despite past statements by developers that large-scale expansion Shadowlands for World of warcraft should start this year, until recently, we had no indicative dates. Latest major company releases Blizzard, … recalls the famous heroes of Warcraft III, whose journey through Azeroth and beyond did not end after the end of the campaign plot. In the first article we …
Development manager World of warcraft Ion Hazzikostas revealed the details of the next additions to the game – Shadowlands. Last month, dataminers found a mention of consoles and a …
World of Warcraft has already seven additions, and keeping track of the development of the universe is quite difficult. However, even if you played all the add-ons, you could …
We continue to share the best domestic cosplay. Jennifer Morgan – DC Comics Comic book universe DC gave rise to many bright characters, but most of them remain in …
Online Role Playing Team Final Fantasy XIV conducts a series of live broadcasts dedicated to the future of the project. During one of them, in particular, they talked about …
Everyone dances! Many games have popular, meme or simply beautiful movements. Let’s figure out which of the characters would say a definite “yes” on the project “Dancing”. Dance is …
On the night of April 10, Blizzard opened access to alpha testing of the new add-on for World of Warcraft – Shadowlands. spent almost two weeks in the …