Category: The Witcher
A few days ago the head Xbox Game Studios Matt Butie confirmedthat in the next two years, all of the company’s gaming innovations will continue to be created, including …
Announced at the festival SDCC 2019 last summer series Hawkeye from Jeremy Renner was supposed to come out as part of the fourth phase of the cinema universe in …
The debut movie trailer “Morbius“from Sony pictures will be released tonight, but on the net you can already find several frames from the upcoming video, including with a first …
According to a post on the designer’s official Twitter account Drew Murray, Studio The initiative, formed in 2018 to develop future Microsoft exclusives, is preparing to move to its …
Well-known industrial insider Tidux spoke again about the remake Demon’s Souls, rumors surrounding which haunt fans over the past five years. According to new unconfirmed information, updated version of …
Story scene animator Kim newman from studio Sony Santa Monica posted a post on Twitter, which some have already christened the first teaser God of war 2 for Playstation …
Following the selection of information about the next part Assassin’s creed subtitled Ragnarokthe credibility of which was partially confirmed by the editor Kotaku Jason Schreyeron the imageboard 4Chan A …
Kevin Feigi Comment on New Deal Between Disney and Sony pictures hinted that Spider-Man will now be able to appear in the projects of the latter. Since the next …
The network has a completely new video on the expected action Cyberpunk 2077 from studio CD Projekt REDwho created a game like The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt. YouTube channel …
In early December, the review aggregator Metacritic published two tops of the best games of the decade: according to the average rating on the website and a combined rating …