Category: Star Wars
Studio 20th Century Studios introduced a new teaser for the long-suffering Josh Boon film “New mutants“which is based on comics Marvel. The video is timed to the presentation of …
Before leaving Playstation 5 and Xbox Series X authoritative british edition The guardian decided to make her list of the greatest consoles of all time. It consists of 25 …
Publishing house Ubisoft introduced a new trailer Assassin’s Creed: Valhalla. The game will be released on November 19 on PC, Xbox One and PS4, it will also be released …
Studio Hello games continues to consistently improve its monstrous sandbox No man’s sky. Today a new update was introduced that will delight fans of horror. Update called Desolation allow …
Social network Twitter suffered the largest hacker attack in its history. According to experts, literally millions of accounts may be at risk. According to preliminary data, the attackers were …
Streaming Service Netflix introduced the first movie trailer Project power, which from August 14 will be available exclusively for platform subscribers. Directors are responsible for the project. Eriel Shulman …
British publisher Codemasters posted a new race trailer DIRT 5whose advertising campaign is held in conjunction with the PR of the next generation console Xbox Series X. The game …
Publishing house Ubisoft again restarted the development of a long-suffering open-world pirate game Skull & bones, which was born on the basis of the regime of naval battles from …
The film industry can not get out of the pit in which it found itself due to a pandemic. And the latest news only confirms the fear that this …
The intrigue surrounding the future plans of the popular streamer and former employee Sledgehammer games Guy Bimawho is known by his nickname Dr disrespectis close to the denouement. Apparently, …