Category: Star Wars
Company Valve published a global sales chart in Steam by revenue for the week ended May 16. The main champion this time was the collection Mass Effect: Legendary Edition… …
Mass Effect Legendary Edition managed to update its own record for peak online on Steam, thanks to which the new product showed the best result among paid games EA… …
It is currently unknown if it is in development Red dead redemption 3 or some plot expansion to the second part of the hit western in the open world …
Conglomerate leadership AT&Twho controls the company WarnerMedia, is considering the possibility of launching into production on a streaming service HBO Max TV series about Batmaninspired by games from the …
Blizzard Losses again: Glenn Raine, concept artist, art director and chief artist, left the company World of warcraft and artistic director Hearthstone and Diablo immortal… how it turned out, …
Publisher SEGA and developers from the studio Creative assembly released a cinematic trailer for the strategy game Total War: Warhammer III, and also presented an 8-minute gameplay video. In …
At the end of 2023 in the company Disney general cleaning is expected, which is associated with a change of leadership. Edition Variety with reference to their sources, shared …
This week the company Disney presented a new report on its activities for shareholders and investors. Now we can say officially – u Mickey Mouse houses serious problems were …
Koei Tecmo Games is interested in creating muso-style action games Dynasty warriors and Samurai warriors based on the gaming universe Super mario and franchises “star Wars“. About this in …
Group of veterans Blizzard and Epic Games founded the studio Lightforge Games… According to executive director Matt Shembari, the studio’s first game will be cross-platform with social elements. The …