Category: Popular Games
Aporia: Beyond The Valley (Aporia) is Myst. By that, I’m sure you can picture a first-person game heavy on exploration and atmosphere with some puzzle solving mechanics, but in almost every …
When you mix Fallout 4’s sanctuary builder and third-person zombie wave defense, you get Epic Games’ delight creation, Fortnite. Not only does this 4-player cooperative experience handle smoothly with tight …
I’m no speedrunner, let me tell you that. I’ve never sat down with a game with the thought of blitzing through its levels as fast as possible – not …
Like all of us, I have a lot of games on my Steam wishlist, and I love getting notifications in my inbox that let me know when a game …
Micro Machines is back! That is the exact phrase I used at the start of my preview piece back in January when Codemasters confirmed that Micro Machines was indeed returning. The …
For readers who would like to know more about JPRGs, follow @apricotsushi’s JRPG Community Game-Along at Chic-Pixel or follow #JRPGJuly on Twitter! “One good thing about music, when it hits you, you feel no …
It’s 1999 and Square is hard at work on Final Fantasy VIII. It’s been two years since the company changed gaming forever. Can you feel the hype? Can you even begin …
The fighting genre has long been a staple of comic book-based video games, having seen a recent revival with the DC Comics-centric Injustice: Gods Among Us and its follow-up, Injustice 2. Well, …
Mods PlayerUnknown started out as a modder. Originally, DayZ was a mod for the military simulator Arma II. He was working on a mod for that mod, and later for DayZ …
When it comes to the fighter genre, there are numerous titles which reside at the forefront. Whether it be the crowd favourites Street Fighter and Mortal Kombat, or the hidden gem/sleeper hits …