Category: Half Life Alyx
Announcement Half-Life: Alyx significantly increased the demand for the Valve Index virtual reality helmet, and the interest of buyers was so high that the manufacturer has recently exhausted all …
Developers Half-Life: Alyx answered a number of community questions, revealing new details about the next project Valve. We bring to your attention another selection of facts. Look here for …
The authors of the new game Half-Life: Alyx from studio Valve revealed to fans the main secret Half-life 3, which for many years haunted fans. The creators of the …
Team of enthusiasts working on a large mod Jurassic life for Half-life 2, shared new images. In particular, the authors showed a Tyrannosaurus (Ti-Rex) model. Velociraptors were previously presented.. …
Created a role-playing action Horizon: Zero Dawn Studio Guerrilla games looking for a senior programmer to work on an “epic open world game.” A candidate for this position should …
Several key developers of the upcoming VR shooter Half-Life: Alyx from studio Valve spent on the site Reddit large-scale AMA-session, where everyone could ask the authors a question about …
Valve held a large-scale Q&A session about Half-Life: Alyx on Reddit, where she answered a lot of questions from fans, telling both about the game itself and about some …
The official announcement of the fourth part “Matrices“included confirmation that Keanu Reeves and Carrie Ann Moss will return to their cult roles. The new franchise film would be nothing …
The network revealed a new game from the company Valve, which, as it turned out, is working not only on the announced Half-Life: Alyx. The new information, which accidentally …
In a statement for IGN representative Valve officially denied the development of a new game in the series Left 4 dead. The company called all rumors of this kind …