Category: Fortnite
Step by step instructions with pictures. If desired Fortnite you can make it more beautiful or, conversely, squeeze out the largest number of frames. Briefly about ray tracing and …
Not so long ago a Polish studio People can fly was nothing more than an appendage to Epic Games and was engaged in the creation of assets for Fortnite… …
Popular Twitch streamer Aircool was criticized after using a word that is perceived by part of society as a racist insult during a broadcast from a hot tub with …
Blizzard Losses again: Glenn Raine, concept artist, art director and chief artist, left the company World of warcraft and artistic director Hearthstone and Diablo immortal… how it turned out, …
Group of veterans Blizzard and Epic Games founded the studio Lightforge Games… According to executive director Matt Shembari, the studio’s first game will be cross-platform with social elements. The …
Litigation between companies Epic Games and Apple keeps getting more surreal. Thus, lawyers representing the interests of manufacturers iPhone, decided to apply “Naked Banana Defense“. At the meeting, we …
In the United States, litigation continues between Epic Games and Apple, in which the court interrogates representatives of various gaming companies. Vice President for Business Development was heard in …
Amid ongoing litigation between Epic Games and Apple various confidential files about the work of the company’s partners continue to get into the network Tim Sweeney… Scans of edited …
On Star Wars Day, the company NPD Group, which tracks sales of games and consoles in the United States, has published a list of the most popular parts Star …
In litigation against a corporation Apple company Epic Games unveiled an official chart showing the distribution of microtransaction revenue in battle royale Fortnite by platform. For the period from …