Category: DOOM
Publishing house Bethesda published release trailer for add-ons Wastelanders for the long-suffering online sandbox Fallout 76. The release date of the DLC has repeatedly been postponed, but now the …
Vice President, Marketing Bethesda softworks Pete Hines also commented new PlayStation 5 controller, DualSense. First of all, he praised the tactile recoil and trigger resistance technology. “I tried the …
Opponents of Dumgai have gone from modest models of a few pixels to high-poly and truly scary monsters. Series Doom It began in the first half of the 1990s, …
In the latest issue of the popular Japanese magazine Famitsu remake ratings have been published Resident evil 3shooter Doom eternal and multiplayer action Bleeding edge. An updated version of …
Tonight on Inside xbox it was announced that a turn-based strategy Gears tactics gone for gold. The game will be released on PC on time, April 28th. Besides, became …
In March we discussedhow video games teach us compassion. Among other things, developers sometimes specifically encourage users to commit negative acts, although in reality they expect the opposite from …
Journalists from the YouTube channel Digital foundry studied the updated version of the shooter Doom 64. The original was released back in 1997 on the console Nintendo 64However, the …
Modder Crazy potato released what everyone had long dreamed of – a modification Resident evil 3 remakethat replaces the head Jill on the Isabelle of Animal crossing. You can …
Horror remake Resident evil 3 successfully started in Steam, but could only take second place on the official weekly chart. The top position was occupied by role-playing action Mount …
Good afternoon! Today I will talk about some of the characters in the series. Animal crossing. In the video version presented at the very end of the material, you …