Category: CS GO
Okay. I’m not gonna lie. I’m slightly biased towards any Warriors game as I am a huge fan ever since I’ve first played Dynasty Warriors 4 Hyper on PC …
Somewhat contrary to how late-80s Capcom used to pump out these games, it’s taken nearly two years since the release of Mega Man Legacy Collection for the next installment to reach us. The …
Where do I start? Paragon’s .42 update eventually went live on Wednesday night after quite a few technical issues prevented a smooth launch. Once the update went live I was keen to get …
Final Fantasy is a storied RPG franchise with a wide range of heroic characters running the gamut from a boy band (FFXV), a bunch of jobseekers who will do …
irst of all, a disclaimer of sorts – This isn’t going to be a roast of Diablo III by any stretch of the imagination. As a fan of the …
Depending on your point of view golf is either a good walk spoiled or in the words of one of golfing’s greats, Arnold Palmer, the greatest game mankind has …
Since the release of Gone Home a few years ago, there have been many games that explored how to make gameplay light games more interactive without compromising artistic vision. Everybody’s …
Before Europeans made their way to these shores, the land that would soon come to be known as the Americas was rich with various indigenous cultures. Few are so …
If you’re like me and recently finished your yearly binge of Neon Genesis Evangelion, piloting a giant mech can be one of your dreams. On the downside, that technology …
*Advertising disclosure* Though Black Shell Media was a former advertising partner, this review is not influenced by that relationship. Thank you, Black Shell Media, for the review key! This review …