Category: New Game Release
Company Konami started alpha testing dance simulator Dance Dance Revolution V. And the next part of the famous music series will become unusual: it will play in the browser. …
The most famous character in two-dimensional action Dragon’s crown from japanese studio Vanillaware is a sexy enchantress with outstanding shapes. Various manufacturers previously offered their options for the heroine, …
Studio CD Projekt RED congratulated the creatorsMad Max: Roads of Fury“with the fifth anniversary of the film, introducing a new role-playing vehicle Cyberpunk 2077. Authors showed custom “River“, based …
A game Dead by daylight continues to be successful on mobile platforms. Earlier we already reportedthat the multiplayer survival port with horror elements has crossed the mark of 1 …
A couple of days ago, the company Epic games revealed the world the latest version of its engine – Unreal engine 5. The novelty caused a wave of heated …
Publishing house Bethesda softworks and studio id Software reported the release of the first major update for the shooter Doom eternal, which brings reinforced demons to the game, the …
Publishing house Wb games and studio TT Games made a generous gift to all fans of LEGO games. Until May 21, everyone has the opportunity to download action-adventure game …
Last thursday Ubisoft held a session “Q & A»Dedicated to the publication of the publisher’s financial annual report. During a conference with investors, one of the analysts touched on …
Creator of the Giger Horror Scorn Lubomyr Peklar of Ebb studios believes that despite all the hype surrounding SSDs in non-Xtgen consoles, the real capabilities of the new consoles …
In an interview with a newspaper The new york timesdedicated to the fifth anniversary of the painting “Mad Max: The Road of Fury“, producer George Miller talked about the …