Category: New Game Release
Before the release of the action adventure Marvel’s Spider-Man: Miles Morales there are only a few days left, which means that some particularly lucky gamers have already got access …
As part of the quarterly financial report, the publishing house Electronic Arts commented on the sales of arcade cosmos Star Wars Squadrons… Designed by studio EA Motive the game …
Upcoming looter action Godfall will be console exclusive Playstation 5 for six months, as it became known from the company released Gearbox Publishing and studio Counterplay games release trailer. …
Company Sony has released a new gameplay trailer for car action with parkour elements Destruction AllStarspreparing for release on Playstation 5 in February 2023. Project from developers from studios …
Parkour action in cyberpunk style Ghostrunner will be released on Switch already 10th of November, publishers said All In! Games and 505 Games… The game was originally supposed to …
Company Warner bros… dated the movie’s home release “Argument“. Christopher Nolan’s sci-fi thriller will be released on DVD, Blu-Ray and digital services in the middle of next month. December …
Electronic Arts has announced the imminent appearance of an action-adventure game Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order in library EA Play… Subscribers of the service will receive unlimited access to …
Company Sony Interactive Entertainment announced that the next generation console Playstation 5 will not be available for purchase in Russian retail stores at the start of November 19. They …
Sony Interactive Entertainemnt has prepared for release Marvel’s Spider-Man: Miles Morales “Be Yourself” cinematic commercial, dedicated to Miles Moralez and his confrontation with the criminal gang “Underground”. The authors …
Digital Extremes has published the first trailer for a cooperative looter shooter Warframe with a demo version of the game for Playstation 5… The video clearly shows the scale …