Category: Game Type
In February of this year was published patent claiming Sony working on a finger-tracking touch controller for the next generation helmet Playstation VR. Now, a video has appeared on …
Sony developers have published a video that shows some of the developments for the future PSVR 2 headset. More precisely, we are talking about a finger tracking system for …
Series Metal gear solid essentially completed and is currently a “sleeping” franchise. Brand Owner, Japanese Company Konami, is in no hurry to announce the continuation and which year is …
Valve announced the termination of support for the virtual reality platform Steamvr on macOS devices. It seems that this was done for reasons of expediency, because the total number … recalls the famous heroes of Warcraft III, whose journey through Azeroth and beyond did not end after the end of the campaign plot. In the first article we …
Not so long ago a publishing house Ragnarok game managed to return the source code of the role-playing action movie Rune ii former developers, studios Human head. And now …
Independent publisher tinyBuild spends in Steam special festival: Zen weekend. The publisher’s games are presented on a special page, including free and discounted games. For three tinyBuild projects, free …
At the beginning of the year the publishing house Bethesda softworks and studio ZeniMax Online announced that in an online role-playing game The elder scrolls online another official language …
After Lara Croft GO and Hitman go company Square enix pleased the owners of mobile devices with another distribution. This time temporarily became a free game Deus ex go …
Dota 2 is going through hard times – apart from a few bursts, its online has dropped to the level of 2014, even CS: GO has already surpassed it …