Category: Game Type
The network has new information about Final Fantasy VII: Ever Crisis – a mobile project, within which the whole plot will be retelled Final fantasy vii and other works …
Sony unexpectedly showed the first images of the controller for the next generation of PlayStation VR. Gamepads are a lot like solutions Htc, Oculus and Valve for their VR-helmets …
Developers Assassin’s creed valhalla give players a free set of content, which includes the Altair costume from the very first part of the franchise, as well as premium currency …
Modder Wim Beytart has released a modification Return to rapture for VR shooter Half-Life: Alyx, which includes eight new levels in the universe BioShock… Return to Rapture takes place …
Developers from the studio Lucid Games talked about the first season Destruction AllStars called Hotshots. The writers see Seasons as a way to permanently improve Destruction AllStars and leave …
Sony announced new proposals of the initiative “Play at home»(Play at Home), in which players will receive various projects for free – a PS Plus subscription is not required. …
Sony announced new free games as part of the initiative Play At Home… In addition to Ratchet & Clank, which anyone can pick up by April 1st, the next …
Ahead of tomorrow’s presentation Square enix launched a promotion on Twitter with the distribution of two cooperative action-adventure games about Lara Croft. Publisher gives Steam versions Lara croft and …
As the Canadian studio announced Clever Plays, asymmetric spy thriller Operation: Tango will be released not only on PC and Xbox One, but also on consoles PlayStation 4 and …
An updated and expanded version of the acclaimed role-playing game Disco Elysium will be released on Playstation 4, Playstation 5 and PC already March 30, confirmed by the developers …