Category: FREE Games
They will begin tomorrow, September 9th, and will continue until September 13th. Dates: PC – from September 9 (16:00 UTC) through September 13 (23:00 UTC). Preload is already available; …
Another day, “Kolda” is still the same: fast-paced battles, minimal interactivity, a familiar arsenal of weapons and spectacular locations. You know what to expect. It often seems that writing …
After scandal around Horizon Forbidden West for PlayStation 4 and PlayStation 5 company Ubisoft assured that she would not take money from buyers Far cry 6 for a free …
Ubisoft shared a fresh trailer for the Battle Pass Crystal guardwhich became part of the third season of the sixth year in Rainbow six siege… There are three pass …
Microsoft has released another major free update for the flight simulator Microsoft Flight Simulator from the French team Asobo Studio… It got the name World Update 6 and brings …
Company Ubisoft opened the season of autumn gaming sales by launching a large-scale promotion for PC gamers. From today to 23 September v Ubisoft Store the publisher’s games are …
The story presents a free plot, which is not related to the original works – according to the plot, the witcher will hunt the snowy spirit of Yukki-onnu in …
Developers Surviving Mars released an add-on Below and beyondexpanding the boundaries of the game. The process of Mars exploration has become deeper, new buildings and technologies have appeared. You …
In early May, it became known that the version Sniper ghost warrior contracts 2 for PS5 will be delayed and will not come out on time. Developers from CI …
The main innovation was the update of the mode “River raids”: will add three rivers, rewards and new abilities that can be obtained in monasteries. Also, the changes affected …