Category: Game Trailers
Studio developers Rebellion unveiled a new review gameplay trailer for their upcoming cooperative zombie shooter Zombie Army 4: Dead War. In the new video subtitled “101“gamers are introduced to …
Company Bandai namco preparing for release of the action movie Dragon Ball Z: KakarotIt will take place on January 17th. Preloading the game has already started for everyone who …
Rebellion released another trailer Zombie Army 4: Dead War. The video was simply entitled: 101. It tells us what awaits us in the game when it is released on …
In conversation with the portal Gamespot Robert Kurwitz, head of the studio ZA / UM, chief screenwriter and game designer Disco elysium, spoke about plans for the continuation of …
User Reddit posted a screenshot Rainbow six siegewhere the features of the fifth year seasonal pass are listed. The authenticity of the information failed. Users and the media noticed …
Studio developers Huniepot released a gameplay trailer for a hybrid dating and puzzle simulator HuniePop 2: Double Date. In the sequel, players will be transferred to a new paradise …
Film company Marvel introduced the new trailer for the solo film “Black Widow” about the heroine Natasha Romanova, who was killed on Wormir in the superhero blockbuster “Avengers: Final”. …
Company Capcom introduced a new trailer for the game Resident evil 3completely dedicated to the main villain of the game, known as the Nemesis. In the role of Jill …
On the official channel of the company Bethesda second official shooter trailer appeared Doom eternal from studio id Softwarewhich is being prepared for release on Playstation 4, Xbox one, …
Company Capcom introduced today a new remake trailer Resident evil 3dedicated to the main antagonist Nemesis. The video also confirmed the appearance of a lizard-like mutant nicknamed Hunter and …