Category: Xbox
Insider Tom Henderson shared on Twitter interesting new information about the next franchise game Battlefieldwhich probably will be dedicated modern warfare or battles in the near future. According to …
Screenshots of the computer version fly around the network Bloodborne. The images showed an allegedly pre-release build of the game, launched in ultra-wide resolution on a PC and seemed …
Company Microsoft revealed the first wave of free games of this month for subscribers Xbox game pass. In June, the library of service will be replenished with eight titles, …
The release of an economic strategy is approaching Port royale 4, and studio Gaming minds together with the publisher Kalypso submitted a record of the direct gameplay. However, in …
Today is a Japanese studio Monolith soft best known for creating Xenoblade – large-scale role-playing games with open world for consoles Nintendo. Recently, the team pleased their fans with …
Studio developers Buckshot software submitted a trailer Project warlockdedicated to launching the game on consoles. In a rather original video, live actors are involved. They depict a club of …
The release of the PlayStation 5 is scheduled for the end of 2023, but there is still very little information about it. has collected all the games that …
The release of the PlayStation 5 is scheduled for the end of 2023, but there is still very little information about it. has collected all the games that …
Cut and unrealized ideas – this is quite an ordinary thing for the gaming industry. Often, some ideas, even those in almost complete condition, simply do not live to …
Tuesday streaming platform HBO Max temporarily removed from her library the film released in 1939 “gone With the Wind“. The site took this decision in the wake of protests …