Category: Xbox
Indoor Studios Microsoft They are interested in creating projects that can captivate players around the world for a long time. This was told by the head Xbox Game Studios …
Author Blood Omen: Legacy of Kain Denise Diak spoke about the development of the spiritual heiress of his game called Deadhaus sonata. The clerk is a well-known specialist in …
Surrounding Artist Andrew Watkins left Naughty dog after nine years of work to join the team Ninja theory. Initially, this information appeared on the forum. Neogaf, and then was …
Japanese monthly manga magazine CoroCoro Comic announced that the company Konami working on a game with a working title Solomon program. Company copyright designed in December 2019. So far, …
News portals disseminate information that the company Ubisoft supposedly working on an adventure game Prince of Persia: Dark Babylon. Information posted from the site Reddit. A certain “insider” wrote …
Edition Video Games Chronicle reports citing its sources that Sony may miss an exhibition E3 2023. Last year, she also decided not to appear on an industrial rally in …
The network has information about a new feature of the expected console Xbox Series X from the American company Microsoft, which will allow you to run PC games from …
The next rumor is one of those insane leaks that occur in an insider environment, and then swell by the community Xbox. It is clear that it can only …
The network got a new leak about the game Assassin’s Creed: Ragnarok with many details of the upcoming project. Players before the official announcement of Assassin’s Creed: Ragnarok were …
The network has a new leak from the company Ubisoft, which revealed a new part of the cult action games “Prince of Persia” (Prince of persia) The user of …