Category: Game Platforms
2020 turned out to be difficult for everyone, but this does not mean that there was no place for humor in it. The esports community has shown that even …
Company Epic Games released a 3-minute video demonstrating a number of new games for consoles and PCs on the engine Unreal Engine… Dynamic slices show projects such as exclusive …
TV series star “Between two worlds” Melanie Jarson joined the cast of the upcoming film adaptation Mortal kombat on Movie IMDb page… The role assigned to the actress remains …
Company Sony Interactive Entertainment announcedthat cloud gaming service directory PlayStation Now three projects were added in January: race The crew 2, economic strategy Surviving Mars and dieselpunk strategy Frostpunk: …
January free games for service subscribers PlayStation Plus already available for download on consoles Playstation 4 and Playstation 5, announced the company Sony Interactive Entertainment… PlayStation 4 Users Can …
Legendary Japanese film director, screenwriter and animator Hayao Miyazaki celebrating its anniversary – the founder of the world famous animation studio Studio ghibli turned 80 years… My career Miyazaki …
@Quinzel and what cool news has he posted? third-person view in punk that has already been written about? The boy takes quantity, not quality. a well-known fact. This news, …
Company Capcom announced date of the digital presentation Monster hunter rise… January 7 at 17:00 Moscow time developers will present “important news and announcements” regarding the upcoming action RPG …
Company Epic Games announced on the purchase of a shopping center Cary towne center in the American city of Cary, North Carolina. It will transform this building and the …
Recently one enthusiast demonstrated example modification for Cyberpunk 2077, which changed the camera to a third-person view, and the other day for free download became available the first version …