Category: Game Platforms
The first real photos of the new generation Xbox console from Microsoft appeared on the network, on which the gaming platform is shown from several sides. On social networks, …
Resident evil 2 remake and Devil May Cry 5 More than once they became participants in all kinds of sales, within which they were distributed with big discounts. Now …
Japanese company Nintendo filed a new patent showing the right controller Joy-con for Nintendo switch with a nozzle, the tip of which can be used as a stylus. Siliconera …
In commercials Stadia company Google encourages gamers to “forget about consoles,” however, the cloud platform will lag far behind systems by the total number of games received per year …
“Live” photos of the pre-production console model appeared on the network Xbox Series X. Pictures posted by one of the forum users Neogaf, and later their accuracy was confirmed …
All games that are confirmed for the Xbox Series X or are likely to see the light on the new Microsoft console. Microsoft will launch a new console at …
Gary whitt, a famous American screenwriter, answered in the framework of the AMA session the question of one of the fans who asked what game the writer would like …
A piece from an unreleased trailer appeared on Reddit yesterday Godfallcreated for internal use by game developers. The gameplay was dated at the beginning of 2019 and did not …
Ahead of Release The Last of Us: Part II company Sony planned to release an animated short film that would tell beginners and remind fans of the series about …
In the spring of 2017, the creators Alan wake and Alan Wake’s American Nightmare were forced to stop digital sales of games due to legal issues related to the …