Category: Game Platforms
On the night of August 6, Valve announced that the new patch will be released after the end of the current Battle Pass, that is, after August 17. And …
Company Kalypso media announced another expansion to its satirical urban planning strategy Tropico 6… Studios Limbic Entertainment and Realmforge prepare Festival DLCand it will release on August 26th on …
The early stage of public testing kicked off late yesterday evening Back 4 blood, which is positioned as a spiritual heir Left 4 dead from the same developer studio …
Esports organizations from all over the world have joined in the discussion about the departure of football player Lionel Messi from Barcelona. North American club Cloud9 jokingly denied rumors …
The Elden Ring page has been added to the Steam store. Using it, you can add the game to your wishlist, watch the trailer and screenshots, read the product …
On August 5, streaming platform Twitch introduced regional subscription prices for Russia. Now you can support streamers for ₽130 instead of ₽399. Has the new site policy changed your …
Publisher bilibili and developers from the studio TiGames released a new demo F.I.S.T .: Forged In Shadow Torch… It can be downloaded at Steam until August 10. F.I.S.T .: …
Patch 7.29 revived Grimstroke thanks to a redesigned Aghanim’s Shard, which now empowers Ink Swell with a strong dispel effect when triggered. The character began to be picked a …
Almost a year has passed since the 1920s alternative strategy Iron harvest came out on PC, and even then the developers planned to release the game on PS4 and …
Tom Hupp, creator Axiom verge, told in the blog Playstation about the new mechanics that will appear in Axiom Verge 2, and illustrated his story with a fresh trailer …