Category: Game Platforms
In early March, the company Sony Interactive Entertainment notified users about the upcoming change in value Playstation plus in a number of countries, including Russia. The amendments entered into …
Based on a mobile role-playing game King’s raid this fall an animated series called Royal Raid: Heirs of Desire. The original is a three-dimensional role-playing gacha action, which since …
Actress Hannah John Caymanwho performed the role of the Ghost in the sequel to Ant-Man, received an offer to play Jill valentine in full length reboot Resident evil from …
It was obvious, but now officially confirmed. In a statement to IGN Swedish studio Dice reported that the next part of a series of battlefield shooters is created for …
The official website of the anime series “Gibiate“Published a trailer with the composition Endless ~ Across the Time ~performed by Sugizo and Maki Oguro. In addition, the executive producer …
Company Valve postponed the annual championship The internationalwhere professional gamers were supposed to fight in the popular MOBA game DOTA 2. “After a detailed review of the global health …
Development manager World of warcraft Ion Hazzikostas revealed the details of the next additions to the game – Shadowlands. Last month, dataminers found a mention of consoles and a …
In the online service Steam started a new sale “Golden Week 2023, which will be held until May 6, 20:00 Moscow time. The Gabe Newell store offers dozens of …
The other day from Russian Playstation store disappeared a number of games. Users have sounded the alarm: what if this is due to price increases? Fortunately, what happened seemed …
Competitive mode and ranking of matches added to Valorant earlier this week and now they finally earned on servers in North America and Europe. At the same time, the …