Category: News
Before leaving Kotaku, Jason schreier wrote an article about the inner kitchen Rockstar games, where he talked about how the development of the next major studio game is progressing …
Eurocom introduced a laptop Tornado F7 SE, which is officially called a mobile server. The novelty is equipped with powerful iron and is designed to work as a high-performance …
Blogger TheGamingRevolution, Who became famous for publishing true leaks on Call of Duty games, posted another video on his YouTube channel in which he shared a new portion of …
It is impossible to imagine human history without representatives of medical professions. Doctors have long been fighting for our lives and health, personifying real heroes. It is not surprising …
The first trailer and gameplay appeared on the network Bionicle: Quest for Mata Nuiwhich fans of the universe have been developing for six years. Last game collaboration Bionicle and …
Miroslava Ladovir introduced cosplay to Jennifer from Wengerberg. Artist Kristina Borodkina called the sorceress photo session “Waiting for Geralt”. Pictures are published in VKontakte. Yennifer is the beloved Geralt …
Studio developers Beam team games Unveiled Open World Survival Release Date Stranded deep for PlayStation 4 and Xbox One. The console version will be available tomorrow, April 21. Initially, …
After submitted the other day a limited model Xbox one x in style Cyberpunk 2077to be released worldwide in quantities 45,000 copiescompany Microsoft revealed a full line of accessories …
I have to say right away – in my opinion, there is no game cooler than Resident Evil 4 in the world. It combines addictive gameplay, variability of leveling …
In connection with the epidemic of coronavirus raging in the world, the film company Warner bros changed a number of its prime minister 2023-2022. Exit “Batman” Matt Reeves postponed …