Category: News
Testing and graphical comparison appeared on the network Ghost of Tsushima: Director’s Cut for Playstation 5… Resolution and FPS modes: PS4 – 1080p @ 30fps; PS4 Pro – 1800p …
Shooting a spin-off action series The Expendables (“The Expendables”) will start in October. I announced this on my Instagram Sylvester Stalloneby posting a photo of a tattoo depicting Barney …
Creators Halo infinte in a fresh video, they shared the sad news – on release, the game does not provide an opportunity to go through a campaign in a …
Independent studio Carrotcake, consisting of a sole developer, illustrator Louis Darrant, has announced a major success. Simulator of the little joys of life The garden path passed successfully Kickstarter… …
Independent studio Vethergen and publishing Crytivo have announced the official release date for the RPG adventure game Serin Fate… She will leave Early Access Steam On August 25th, coming …
Streaming service Netflix signed a long-term contract with the showrunner of the series “Witcher” Lauren Schmidt Hissrich for her participation as a screenwriter and producer in the production of …
The creator of custom modifications Scissors123454321 has released a release version of his global mod Full Gameplay Rebalance… As the name suggests, it has overhauled most aspects of the …
Studio Moonlight kids and publishing division Humble games announced about the new release of a stylish story adventure The wild at heart… The puzzle about an unusual walk in …
Writer and screenwriter Rihanna Pratchett, best known for the updated series Tomb raider, Mirror’s Edge, Thief, Bioshock and other games, gave an interview to the publication Wired… And in …
Microsoft and studio Asobo announced that the next update, World Update 6, for Microsoft Flight Simulator will not come out on time. Its release was delayed until September 7th …