Category: Games Updates
Community of fans Star Wars: Battlefront II organized a petition on the site Change.orgin which the company was called Electronic arts reconsider your plans and not stop supporting multiplayer …
Company Electronic arts and studio Respawn entertainment Star Wars Day Released Content Update for Adventure Action Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order. A free patch added “New game +“, battle …
Respawn on the day of “Star Wars” decided to please fans Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order unexpected free update. It is already available on PS4, Xbox One and PC. …
remember, that The Last of Us: Part II will weigh more than 100 GB on media Playstation 4? Surprisingly, the July 17 open-world adventure action game Ghost of tushusha …
About system features Playstation 5 company Sony she hasn’t said anything yet, but according to the recent rumor recently appeared on Twitter, the redesigned user interface of the digital …
Some users who have installed the latest Windows 10 updates, including KB4549951, report profile problems. As it turned out, after the reboot, the system refused to enter the current …
In February of this year was published patent claiming Sony working on a finger-tracking touch controller for the next generation helmet Playstation VR. Now, a video has appeared on …
As expected, Windows 10 (2004) was supposed to be publicly available on May 12. However, developers report that the release will now take place on May 28. The transfer …
Studio Unknown Worlds released for adventure Subnautica: Below Zero major update Frostbite. As originally promised, with its release the game’s introduction and storyline will radically change. The need to …
Company Valve paid tribute to the actor who died last month in the 80th year of life Riku Mayvoiced by the Soldier in Team fortress 2. Yesterday, the developers …