Before you read any further, let’s just agree: Advanced Warfare – a classic Hollywood thriller, in which Chechen terrorists coexist with mad leaders of North Korea, nuclear reactors fail every twenty minutes, and you at this time you ride on the roofs rushing at breakneck speed buses to and from the conventional machine to shoot military helicopter.
If you need a thoughtful dialogue about the meaning of human life or a deep dive into the nature of human relations – Take Tolstoy, not Advanced Warfare. If you want to “pysch-Pysch” action – keep reading reviews.
In the game everything is subordinated to one goal – to give the consumer of bread and circuses. Scenario quickly spins into the vortex of madness: the first mission we protect futuristic Seoul from attacking evil Koreans, in the third saving the President of Nigeria, in a fourth fight with terrorists trying to blow up a nuclear power plant.
And until the very end, each mission – a new novel Dena Brauna in the reduction. Here, even the heroes of “Brownian”: crippled Jack Mitchell, who was able to return to duty due to a mechanical arm; the head of a private army ATLAS Dzhonatan Ayrons, ready to dominate the whole world; “The Good Soldier”, found on your way to say three sentences, one banal other.
Kevin Speysi
Why developers needed Kevin Speysi in addition to drawing attention to the game on the part of the mass consumer – one more question. Because Mr. Spacey plays, alas, the same Frank Underwood of “House of Cards.”
He regularly pushes some completely crazy talk about “justice” and “order”, like a man to reread the Nazi / Stalinist ideology. It appears on the screen rarely work out long numbers in two or three minutes and disappears until the next video. Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare could well do without it.
In general, Advanced Warfare has absorbed a whole set of dies, the birth of modern pop-cult. And this is definitely a plus for the game in the genre blockbuster.
Another thing is that this concentrated action there can be no more than five or six hours. Therefore, to reach the final of Advanced Warfare – it’s like twice to see the new “Transformers”. For the modern blockbuster – the ideal duration, although I can understand those who are not enough.
Multiplayer on the PC
Call of Duty Multiplayer mode: Advanced Warfare on the PC – this pain and suffering. At least for today (5 November) to solve the problem with endless cliffs and overhangs the developers can not.
Owners Day Zero Edition, according to witnesses, faced with errors less likely than those who first came to the game yesterday. At the same time that the new consoles that the older generation is no global problems with the multiplayer is not noticed.
The developers promise to fix all the errors in the next two or three days. However, PC-players anger to me quite clear.
Another question is how the developers have used the allotted time to present the new combat mechanics. With the introduction of a simplified version of the exoskeleton (this, of course, never Titanfall ) skirmish became richer – is a completely different Call of Duty, fast, active.
If before the enemy could sit on the balcony and you, to get to him, it was necessary to “clean up” a few flights of stairs, but now with the help of a conditioned “jetpack” can be in two strides to achieve the goal. And then shot in the back of its allies.
PS3/Xbox 360 vs. PS4/Xbox One
Version of the game for the PlayStation 4 and Xbox One, as well as for the PC is much better than for the previous generation of consoles. Therefore, buy Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare for PS3 and Xbox 360 – then throw away money. However, to maximize the quality of the graphics need “pumped” personal computer.
Or another example: the opponent is “rolling out” against you a huge armored car, and you, instead of trying to undermine her what some fashionable missiles, like Spider-Man crawling on a steep wall, you get to the roof, took out the sniper rifle and carefully “shoot “turret operator. The choice is yours.
All this gradually prepares the player to the main battle – multiplayer mode, where we confront these same fellows, daredevils in the exoskeleton. And here, honestly, today Advanced Warfare has no equal.
I did not even about a dozen balanced maps, weapons, perks and unique combination of cool modes for every taste – not that you expect from the Call of Duty series of games priori.
I, rather, about the unique use of “trendy” technology, when one member of your team constantly pretends chameleon, another climbs somewhere higher and shoots Teammate opponent, the third constantly throws all homing grenades, and you’re in the middle of everything and a shotgun, melee, seek survivors.