Biomutant developers talked about the duration of the game

As with other open world projects, the duration of the upcoming adventure Biomutant will depend solely on the player: if desired, the novelty can be “run” to the final credits in about 12-15 hours, however, with a detailed study of all the content prepared by the developers, it will take much more time to complete.

Relevant information in the interview to the site GamingBolt shared the head of the studio Experiment 101 Stefan Lyngqvist… According to the developer, the fast completion of Biomutant means that the player must focus exclusively on the main story, skipping most of the dialogue and denying himself to explore the world, as well as completing side quests.

On the other hand, during a leisurely walk in Biomutant, you can spend dozens of hours with interest, as one of the studio employees, whom the head cited as an example, did. He has over 65 hours of playing time and has yet to complete the game.

Biomutant is slated for release May 25 for Playstation 4, Xbox one and PC

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