CD Projekt RED has summed up the results of the Cyberpunk 2077 cosplay competition. The best work was awarded to a cosplay girl from Germany under the nickname Tingilya Cosplay.
The winner presented a cosplay for the character Dum Dum – one of the members of the Maelstrom gang from the demo. The second place was taken by the Russian Anna Ormeli Moleva cosplayed by Lizzy Wizzy, and the third – by the American Larry Hastings in the image of Royce.
In the final stage of the Cyberpunk 2077 cosplay competition, 12 models from different countries fought. The prize fund of the competition is $ 40 thousand. The winner earned 15 thousand, professional photography for the cover of the magazine and a collector’s edition of Cyberpunk 2077.
Winner work:
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