
Frenzy I took away
The series of adjectives, verbs and nouns that opened our analysis tell a lot about the nature of the cage of BeardedBear , but to be more specific and professional, the correct definition is that of a shooter arena with strong rougelike traits. For the record, there would be a story with bearded bears robotics, travels in time and space, mad scientists and ali
ens, but we spare you the details, given the characters and the absurd situations are just a pretext for fire on every pixel that moves. BeardedBear is a focus of action in a few megabytes and every element and play mechanics inserted by Bears i
n Mind guys is aimed at stimulating the reflexes and rapidity of the fingers moving on the pad, an indispensable peripheral to test the title. Game levels are set in places that have made history, such as ancient Egyptian pyramids, Babylon, or even Renaissance Florence, whose monuments
placed in the background include the platforms where our bearded bear runs without a pause, taking advantage of the double jump to avoid falling into the void and not being hit by the aliens. BeardedBearis certainly not an easy game, it is enough for a few mome
nts inside the first arena to figure out that it stays fixed, hoping to get rid of all the enemies, is a suicidal tactic, because if you do not say the whole screen you will be filled with white aliens, without leaving any escape route. However, many opponents are not the only reason why they are inBeardedBear does not have a pause: weapons are randomly generated within the levels and, just like in any roug
elike, you never know what can happen to you in your hands. Just to make some examples, there are regular guns, fire shoots but shootgun, explosive arrows, uzi from whose mouth they go lightning, but these are only lucky cases because when you find yourself griping a water gun and you are forced to make you amidst crawling aliens, the only way to salvation is the imprecations and the stunts to reach another weapon.
In two you die better
BeardedBearit is a bad game, but in the good sense of the term: at first I hate the fact that every fifteen seconds the weapon in your hand va
nishes into nothingness leaving you at the mercy of the enemies, but after some early death you make your hand, grow l ‘Attention, you appreciate your frenetic rhythms, you understand that this is another escamotage to force you to not pull the plug for even a fraction of a second, and of course it is not even the last one. Bears in Min
d has included in its title a special leveling system that not only affects the joypad in the hands: thousands of aliens leave their pixel-made remains, which retrieve contributes to the growth of the bar of the experience in the top corner of the screen and adv
anced level. Once the arena is over, so you have the choice between various power ups, more life styles, boosting attacks, or even faster moves. It is a shame that the time to grab all the remains scattered about the level is limited and if you are no longer ready to throw yourself in the midst of the fist of enemies to recover the precious booty, the latter will vanish and will contribute to the level up not yours, but the aliens.
This finding is at the same time as functional to the rhythm of the game when it smells, but as already said the latter will vanish and will contribute to the level up not yours, but the aliens. This finding is at the same time as functional to the rhythm of the game when it smells, but as already said the latter will vanish and will contribute to the level up not yours, but the aliens.
This finding is at the same time as functional to the rhythm of the game when it smells, but as already said BeardedBear does not want to be in any way a walk, and indeed, when the game ends with a sad game over, these are not the words that appear on the screen, but in their place the sadistic Italian guys have put in the real grips, as an invitation to go to play
Hello Kitty, a reminder that tells us without a spin of words “You suck”, or others found similar. If then you are dying, in addition to being more fun, you also have a shoulder against which you download the 100-shot technique and skillfully, already in this fundraising phase, BeardedBear has the local coop, in which mode chaos on screen reaches peak peaks .