AMD FidelityFX Super Resolution Image Reconstruction Technology Already Works on PlayStation 5

Image reconstruction technology from AMDnamed FidelityFX Super Resolution and is a direct competitor to technology DLSS from NVIDIA, became available on PC on June 22nd. At the same time, neither AMD nor Sony announced the support of this technology on the console. Playstation 5

However, today it became known that AMD FidelityFX Super Resolution already available in the game Arcadegeddon both in the PC version and in the version for Playstation 5… The information was spread by the official Twitter account of the developers, which announced the release of a new patch.

The tweet also talks about some balance changes, new maximum frame rates, stability improvements and more. For a complete list of changes, see the link.

Thus, the question of the possible availability or inaccessibility of the above-mentioned image reconstruction technology from AMD on the console from Sony can be considered closed.

Read more about the technology here

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