The first person shooter is becoming the ideal claim for all types of developers, with titles more or less bright and with the most varied settings, but that end up reaching a good number of users in all types of platforms, achieving figures of sales widely superior to other genres.
City Interactive-authors of the Sniper Ghost Warrior franchise – has wanted to contribute its bit with a new futuristic FPS starring space and alien marines, showing very little originality but with a striking audiovisual presentation.
Thus, Alien Rage tries to convince the fans of the shots and the explosions with a history and some mechanics that drink of titles like Doom 3 , Quake IV or even Bulletstorm , although in practice it stays halfway in each and every one of them. its remarkable aspects; Let’s review the keys of a title that comes first to PC but will soon arrive soon to the digital bazaars ofPlatStation 3and Xbox 360 .
Interstellar Conflict
Although the argument of this type of games is not the most important of the set, it is always attractive to have a more or less deep background that immerses us in its development. Alien Rage is not exactly an example to follow in this regard, although its creators have strived to present a minimal context that puts us in action. In the distant future, humanity has
begun to travel across the galaxy in search of new worlds , finding an asteroid called Daedalus , which contains a natural element that could change the course of history completely. It is a bluish liquid called Prometheus; This element can become very unstable, something that makes it an almost infinite source of fuel for man.
Alien Rage proposes to recover the old-school style in a futuristic FPS in which the best deaths will be rewarded with the highest scores.
But humanity is not the only species interested in such a promising element; the universe is full of life and advanced cultures, so the Vorus race appears on the scene to get also with Prometheus. At the beginning, both races coexisted in peace in said asteroid, working together in the mines; but something went wrong. Someone tried against the Vorus and they
did not take long to retaliate by sending their military forces. And it is here when our turn comes, taking control of a space marine – of a fairly generic aspect, by the way – who must infiltrate the mines controlled by the Vorus to put an end to such a lethal threat, facing enemies and final bosses of all kinds .
Alien Rage uses old-school elements of the genre, such as the design of the levels – totally linear -, the appearance of the weapons and even the characters. Likewise, the situations that we will live will irretrievably remind us of other consecrated titles,
resulting in this unambitious sense and with a lack of manifest originality. We will even receive indications via radio from a female voice -an artificial intelligence
that will help us at all times-, we will have to collect lost newspapers as collectibles and we will participate in sections on board a kind of wick Shooting every bug that crosses our path, something that we have lived in countless titles and again come back in this new futuristic adventure of City Interactive.
The clashes with the final heads of each area will be epic, with truly spectacular moments. Of course, the rest of the adventure will be too linear and monotonous.
Despite such hackneyed resources, we will also find elements that show a certain personality; thus, a scoreboard will appear on the screen that will increase according to our actions. The shots in the head, the combos by explosions –
of the most spectacular- and other exploits will rebound in a higher score. The rest of the graphic interface on the screen is reduced to a sphere that will indicate the health, the shield, the perks available and the ammunition that we have left; everything quite clean
and minimalist, leaving all the protagonism to the stages and to the action. Thus, its simple story will be developed along 14 levels that will include up to 21 types of enemies -including the final bosses- and10 types of weapons – each with a secondary shot – either human or Vorus.
The problem is that once in full combat, the variety will shine by its absence, posing again and again the same situations with the same enemies. In this sense, Alien Rage is not very well balanced. Its difficulty curve is strange and frustrating .
So much so that at the beginning it will be even difficult, while once the story is advanced, we can overcome the confrontations with relative ease.
This has much to do with the perks system implemented, poorly balanced and uninspired, that we will unlock as we achieve better scores; Of course, its development is frantic and lively , although it will gradually become monotonous and repetitive, with nothing new to contribute until the end of the adventure.