After “Avengers Final” revealed the film “Deadpool vs. X-Men”

New information appeared on the network, from which it became known how, after the events of the film “Avengers: Final”, the studio Marvel plans to include Deadpool and X-Men in the movie universe and show their opposition.

According to the information that appeared, Marvel Studios is developing the film Deadpool vs. X-Men. According to, the project is still at an early stage of development, and the company is still developing the concept of this film. However, it is noted that Marvel seriously intends to show on the big screen the confrontation of the mutants with the chatty mercenary, who again has to play actor Ryan Reynolds. It is not yet clear how exactly the mutants will appear in the Marvel cinematic universe. Perhaps their appearance is associated with the picture “Avengers: Final”, and maybe with future projects, for example, with “Doctor Strange: In the multiverse of madness.”

Earlier on the network, there were already rumors that the studio Marvel and Kevin Feige (Kevin Feige) are planning to introduce Deadpool and X-Men into the Marvel cinematic universe, making them all in one film. In addition, information appeared on the film, in which Deadpool could resist the current Avengers. It is possible that this idea just evolved into the film “Deadpool vs. X-Men”, in which all mutants, except Deadpool, will be presented to the audience at once. It is also not known what would happen to the movie Deadpool 3. It is possible that he will be shot after the chatty mercenary fights with the X-Men, or maybe he will be completely canceled and Deadpool will begin to appear in other Marvel paintings.

According to, the new film Deadpool vs. X-Men does not yet have an estimated release date. The only thing known is that the new film about Deadpool and the X-Men should be written by the scriptwriters Rhett Reese and Paul Wernick, who are authors of Deadpool and Deadpool 2.