Accessible Internet will cost operators 150 billion rubles a year

In January, Vladimir Putin proposed launching the project “Throughout RussiaAffordable Internet“. It should provide free access to socially significant resources, including “Classmates“,”My world“,”Yandex“, Government sites and messenger Bip.
It is assumed that access to these resources should be provided even if the account has zeros. However, in reality, this requires an astronomical amount of 150 billion rubles per year. Telecommunications operators have already demanded that the state compensate them for the costs.

This condition was set by the Commission of the Russian Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs (RSPP) for communications and IT. The fact is that operators’ income over the past year amounted to 450 billion rubles. That is, you will have to spend a third of this amount on “Accessible Internet”. In the RSPP, this is considered unacceptable and they offer to create a clear list of “free” sites.

If this is not done, then access to foreign sites may also become free, operators say. In this case, financial losses and network load are inevitable.

They are planning to transfer the requirements of the RSPP to the authorities, but it is not yet known exactly when.

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