A vulgar, feminist, tyrant, unfaithful husband: Joss Whedon and his freaks on the set of Justice League

Second wave #MeToo turned out to be rich in various charges. Moreover, we no longer talk about sexual harassment, because a person can be blamed for the harmful nature, bad jokes and working methods.

A particularly interesting situation is now developing around the director Joss Whedon. Performer of the role of Cyborg Ray Fisher stated in Twitter that on the shootings “Justice League“The director behaved like a tyrant and an incompetent filmmaker.

Other people joined in to discuss Wadon’s inappropriate behavior. So blogger Grace Randolph told that the director on the set threatened Gal Gadot (Wonder Woman). The reason was a stupid scene in which Ezra Miller (Flash) falls during the battle on Wonder Woman, with her face buried in her chest. Gadot refused to participate in the idea, as a result of which Whedon yelled at her, threatening to ruin her career.

The hysteria did not work, and as a result, the understudy Gadot participated in the scene. At the same time, users indicated that the same scene was in the movie “Avengers: Age of Ultron“when Mark Ruffalo (Bruce Benner / Hulk), falls face to chest Scarlett Johansson (Black Widow).

According to insiders, Joss Whedon threatened other actors, but the threats didn’t work for everyone, because everything depended on the importance of the artist. So, Ben Affleck (Batman) just could take and leave the set. Jason Momoa he rewrote his dialogues, for he did not like the director’s scenario ideas (the actor was always on the side Zach Snyder) The rest did not have such authority.

However, Whedon also found defenders. In particular, he was supported by the actor Alan Tudyk, which is known for the series “Glowworm“. In addition, the film producer John berg in the commentary to the publication Variety denied the allegations by Fisher and even complained about him.

According to Berg, Fischer did not like the fact that he was required to pronounce a cry “Booyaa!“, which Cyborg uses in animated series. It is also interesting that the actor was loudly praising Weedon, calling him a successful replacement for Snyder. Given this, we can assume that Fisher was not satisfied with the version of” Justice League “from Weedon, in which the role of Cyborg was greatly curtailed (in the version of Snyder, the character prescribed is much more detailed).

Note that this is not the first scandal in which Joss Whedon found himself. The director is known as an ardent feminist and fighter for social justice, only in 2017 his ex-wife Kai cole spoke about the inappropriate behavior of the director.

The couple divorced in 2012, and in 2016 a divorce was filed. According to Cole, throughout all 16 years of marriage, Whedon constantly cheated on her and even started a kind of harem, having sexual relations with actresses, fans and work colleagues. And the reputation of the “icon of feminism” provided him with cover.

See also: Ubisoft will fight harassment with anonymous denunciations

#MeToo Summer Season Open: From Chris Avellone and Angry Joe to Justin Bieber

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