A trailer for the upcoming anime series “Yasuke“, the main character of which is a black samurai based on a real prototype, considered the first samurai of African descent in history, who served under the command of Odes of Nobunaga…
Despite the presence of historical figures, the action of the animated show takes place in a fantasy world where magic exists and demons live.
The studio is responsible for the creation of the six-episode anime. MAPPAresponsible for the final season “Titan attacks“, as well as the author of an animated comic adaptation Cannon busters Leshawn Thomas… The author of the soundtrack for the project was an American musician Stephen Ellisonbetter known as Flying lotus, and the actor voiced the main character Luckith Stanfieldfamiliar to viewers from the series “Atlanta“and the film”Death note“from Netflix.
The premiere of “Yasuke” will take place April 29 on the streaming service Netflix.
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