“Shame! Diesel should be ashamed of guilt”: Fast & Furious Crossroads on Fast and Furious franchise gets devastating reviews

Announced last December at a ceremony The Game Awards 2019 racing action Fast & Furious Crossroads even then it became the object of ridicule from the players, who wrote that according to the schedule, the project was similar to a representative of the early era Playstation 3

Nevertheless, many decided to give the game based on the Fast and Furious franchise a chance, since it was created by a team of developers from Slightly Mad Studiosknown for the series Project CARS and Need for Speed: Shift

But as it turned out after the release, the problems of Fast & Furious Crossroads are not only in the graphic design. The project collects devastating reviews on Steam

Dissatisfied buyers note that the game is played very quickly, cutscenes are not skipped in it, the physics of the cars is weak, and the missions are extremely boring. What’s more, in Fast & Furious Crossroads there are not even keyboard control settings, and the optimization in general is very poor.

“Worst game I’ve ever played. Don’t buy, don’t waste your money,” commented one fan on Steam.

“There’s actually less than two hours of gameplay here. Above, there are still two hours of non-skip cutscenes, resulting in a four hour game,” added another customer.

“I played the single player campaign for 6 hours and most of the time I liked it, everything was fine, no more, no less. However, I should have started the multiplayer mode first, in which no one is playing and bugs pop up. If I had checked first online, then it would refund this garbage faster than you drink cold water. “

“I blame Bandai Namco and Steam for letting this junk go on sale. I even wanted to petition them for misleading customers into thinking online multiplayer was working.”

“Vin Diesel should be ashamed of himself, and if he says he cares about his fans, then he should return our money.”

Interestingly, there are not many Russian-language reviews on Steam, and they are of a sarcastic nature. Users praise the game based on the Fast and Furious movies in a funny manner.


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