Worthy rival Sneaky – cosplay of BurNIng Anti-Mage apprentice

Former professional player and co-owner of the club Team aster Xu BurNIng Zhilei introduced cosplay on Wei – student of Anti-Mage. He showed the image on a personal broadcast – pictures are published on Twitter.




According to Dotabuff, Anti-Mage is among the top 10 most popular characters for whom BurNIng played in tournaments. He took the hero 67 times and won in 56.72% of meetings. According to the statistics of public matches, Anti-Mage took the first line – Chizhlay played on it 169 times.

Valve added a female look to Anti-Mage on the night of July 11th. The appearance is available to all owners of a combat pass of level 305 and above. Together with him, the developers also released a patch, with which they added the ability to disable automatic item delivery in Turbo mode in Dota 2.

Source: twitter.com/AutumnWindz