On July 14, Death Stranding will lose the status of the exclusive PS4 and will be released on PC. This means that the magnum opus Kojima will be able to test even more people. For those who have yet to experience an adventure in ruined America, we have prepared a selection of useful tips that will make Sam Bridges’ journey more convenient and easier – it’s even strange that the developers themselves did not write such a preview!
Don’t be afraid of rain
Temporal rain in Death Stranding is the first danger Hideo Kojima introduces you to. It was she who caused virtual America to become one big plain. Abnormal precipitation speeds up the passage of time for the objects that are being touched, and therefore can turn a young man into a gray-haired and wrinkled old man in a matter of minutes or, more importantly in the game world, “decorate” your entire load with rust.
Temporal Rain at Death Stranding
In the prologue, Death Stranding places great emphasis on the fact that rain is a terrible force and any self-respecting courier should try to avoid it, hiding in caves or man-made buildings. But this is completely wrong. Rain can destroy only the containers you carry, but it cannot damage their contents. This means that you can get the highest score for delivery, even if your entire path will lie in the rain.
Rusty containers must not be dropped – in this case, the contents of the cargo will be seriously damaged. But the rest of the box and in the rain will continue to fulfill their uncomplicated functions. Therefore, if you are not going to engage in battle with opponents, then you absolutely do not need to spend resources and time on fixing the cargo before its delivery – as well as hiding from the rain.
Distribute the load yourself on Sam’s costume
In Death Stranding there is a button “Automatically distribute the load”, which terribly cools the player. Starting to use it actively, you will soon forget that the boxes can be hung manually – and inevitably you will encounter minor inconveniences during delivery.
Valuable cargo should always be placed at the bottom of the backpack – so it will be protected from external influences and will remain with you, even if Sam stumbles and flies down the mountain. It’s better to put equipment on top of the stack of boxes – ladders, climbing anchors or designers, who will not be afraid to lose in case of unforeseen complications. It is better to mount the weapon directly on the suit – so it can be obtained at any time through the hotkey.
Loaded Sam
Do not be lazy to go to the shower, sleep and drink energy
While traveling through America, Sam will regularly end up in shelters where he can sleep, bathe, or have a meal with a cryptobiot. At first glance, these activities are needed only so that the rest room does not seem to the players a boring place to save. But this is not entirely true: after drinking three power engineers, you will increase Sam’s strength by 25%, and after washing (or going to the toilet), you will get enough biological material for making grenades.
Thus, taking the habit of regularly doing the whole “home routine”, you will save yourself from a headache with some resources. By the way, do not forget to put on the branded cap, which lies in this room on the table – for some reason, she also adds strength to Sam.
Rest near transparent stones, urinate on mushrooms
Online mode allows Sam to use the constructions of other Sam, but this is not the only online interactive. Among other things, players can create places for relaxation – for this it is necessary that several users sit down to take a breath at a particular point. In this case, a translucent stone will appear in the location, which will significantly accelerate the restoration of endurance. Resting near it is an effective way to replenish strength without spending energy from a flask.
If, by some chance, several players decide to relieve themselves at one point, then a mushroom will grow there. If you continue to “water” it, soon it will turn into a hotbed of cryptobiotes: despite their dubious origin, these creatures will allow you to replenish blood supplies at any time.
Fragile is the main cryptobiot lover in Death Stranding
Use a scanner
One of the first devices available to Sam is a surface scanner, which allows the player to plan a route. With the help of the device, you can find places that are better not to step on, otherwise Sam will slip and break the load. The same scanner allows you to evaluate the strength of the river flow – and this is important, because it is in the water that a huge amount of cargo is lost.
At first, walking, endlessly pressing the scan button, may seem like a tedious task, but this is the only way not to carry the load along the road. Therefore, the faster you take the habit of scanning every suspicious stone, the easier it will become for you the gameplay.
Run in a straight line
When you first build a tower of containers in Sam’s backpack, the game will introduce you to the mechanics of balance. All its principles are intuitive: as soon as you load the main character beyond measure, it becomes very difficult for him to maneuver. With every turn Sam will strive to stumble, and only you can save him from such a fate – if you press R2 and L2 in a timely manner in order to restore balance.
Fortunately, the fight against gravity can be almost completely eliminated if you know a couple of tricks. So, holding R2 and L2, you greatly limit the speed of Sam, but make him very stable – in this mode, the main character can easily bring to the target a whole tower of containers. Of course, if you are willing to put up with his turtle speed. However, running with a heavy load is also possible, but exclusively in a straight line. Then Sam simply will not have the opportunity to roll sideways.
Do not forget to relax
Rope is your best friend in battle
Over time, Sam will acquire an impressive arsenal of pistols, shotguns, assault rifles and a couple of wunderwafels, but until then, collisions with Mules are likely to be scary to scare you. And in vain! In fact, you can cope with them thanks to the usual rope.
Holding L2, you will prepare the rope for battle, and with R2 you can carry out a counterattack – you will need to press the button at the moment when the enemy tries to strike you. After that, the MUL will be back to you, open for final finishing. The timings in Death Stranding are very gentle, so this way you can quite easily deal with opponents and clear the camp, especially if you manage to cut off enemies from each other.
MULS are only interested in cargo
MULES absolutely do not need Sam, they only care about the load. This means that by throwing it at the border of the enemy camp, you can quietly move around it without attracting the attention of opponents. So, in theory, you can neutralize all one by one, turning Death Stranding into a kind of stealth action. True, do not forget to monitor the distance to your cargo – if you move away from it further than a thousand meters, it will disappear from the map and enter the world of another player.
A motorcycle needs only one wheel
Perhaps the most unobvious feature of Death Stranding is that the motorcycle in the game needs to be reared – otherwise you will turn gray, trying to get to the point. Raising the front wheels of the vehicle into the air, Sam turns the motorcycle into a real all-terrain vehicle that can ride on any irregularities, only occasionally slowing down. In the traditional driving mode, this transport can hardly cope even with small stones on the road.
The most efficient way to travel in Death Stranding
Interestingly, standing on the rear wheel, Sam, apparently, is not even able to fall out of the saddle. Therefore, there is simply no reason to ride in another way in the game.
Delete someone else’s buildings
Sam’s main goal in Death Stranding is to create a chiral network – essentially the Internet, which connects people and allows them to share resources, blueprints, and other joys of post-apocalyptic life. As soon as you connect a new area to the network, it will immediately be surrounded by custom buildings – protective umbrellas, energy generators or zip lines, which can turn complex delivery into a pleasant flight for a couple of minutes.
The problem is that the chiral network has its own conductivity – and it cannot immediately show you all the constructions of the players. Therefore, if you suddenly come across some kind of art object like a bridge in the middle of a plain, feel free to delete it, because in this way you will unload your network and be able to get another building – it may be more useful for you.
Hunt BT regularly
No matter how scary BT may be, I advise you to sometimes specially let them drag you underground. This will lead to an extraordinary boss fight, for the victory in which the game generously gives you a car of chiral crystals. In essence, having learned to defeat bosses, you can once and for all forget about other ways of farming this resource – nothing will be faster and more efficient.
One of the bosses in Death Stranding
Of course, it is best to do this after the next delivery – in this case you will not risk losing a valuable cargo, and you can also prepare well for the battle. The very same bossfights in Death Stranding follow one scenario – defeating one enemy, you can be sure that you can cope with others. Have a good hunting!
Blood bullets are not the only way to kill BT
At the very beginning of the game, you will find out that Sam is a universal weapon for fighting BT, since literally all the secretions of his body in one way or another have an effect on monsters. The most effective of them is blood, which the protagonist will soon learn to load rifles.
But Death Stranding doesn’t always follow the script. And if you find yourself face to face with the boss, but forgot to bring a bloody rifle with you, do not despair – you can also kill the enemy with ordinary bullets. To do this, throw a grenade with blood into it (you will almost always have them, since they are stored in a separate bag) and shoot through the formed bloody cloud – this way you can wrap any bossfight in your favor.
Do not be lazy to do side quests
You can get through Death Stranding without being distracted by third-party deliveries. But in this case, you risk significantly complicating your life, because many of the survivors in the world are able to give Sam pretty good upgrades.
So, a chiral artist, upon reaching a sufficient level of relations with her, will reward Sam with heavy-duty boots, and the doctor will show the hero how to make liter blood bags. At the same time, even plot elements of equipment can be further improved – if you deliver a couple of extra packages. I assure you, sometimes even a small boost to the exoskeleton’s battery capacity can play a decisive role in the next delivery.
With exoskeleton, loads stop scaring Sam
Death Stranding will be released July 14 on PC on Steam and the Epic Games Store. The release on PS4 took place in November 2019. An overview of the action from Cybersport.ru can be found here.