Where to Find and Use Green Key Cards in Rust – review Addiction

Brief instructions with pictures.

If you want to get good equipment from the start of the game in Rust, pay attention to the green access cards. Behind the doors of the corresponding color, you will find not only loot, but also blue key cards, which will allow you to get even better equipment.

Where can I get green cards?

They can be knocked out of scientist bots that walk near roads and spawn on freighters with a 24% chance. At the same time, the chance of dropping from scientific bots that appear in military tunnels is 36%.

Guide: Where to Find and Use Green Key Cards in Rust

The following are the places marked on the map where you can be guaranteed to find a green key card.


Go through the main entrance, break down the plank barricade on the right door and go to the office. The pass will be on the table.


Go up the trail to the right of the satellite dish. Go to the recycler. Continue down the road until you reach a container labeled “D2”. Go inside and take the card.

Climb the steps to the lighthouse until you see a fence made of boards. Break it down and follow the first door on the right. Take the pass from the table.

Go through the main entrance, go behind the counter and break the boards. Enter the office and take the card.

Abandoned huts

Approach the building with the inscription “Danger”, proceed to the wooden barrier on the right side of the building. Break it and go inside to the table with a pass.

Where to use green access cards?

In all places where the green keycard can be used, you will also need an electrical fuse. You can find it in boxes and sunken chests with a 14% chance.

Guide: Where to Find and Use Green Key Cards in Rust

Small port

Find the two-story building marked “D11” on the first floor, go inside.

Guide: Where to Find and Use Green Key Cards in RustGuide: Where to Find and Use Green Key Cards in Rust

Insert the fuse into the box and flip the switch.

Guide: Where to Find and Use Green Key Cards in Rust

Exit the building, find the stairs and go up to the second floor. Swipe the keycard across the terminal to open the door. There are loot boxes inside, and a blue key card will lie on the table.

Guide: Where to Find and Use Green Key Cards in RustGuide: Where to Find and Use Green Key Cards in Rust

Big port

Find the container marked “D2” and go inside.

Guide: Where to Find and Use Green Key Cards in RustGuide: Where to Find and Use Green Key Cards in Rust

Insert the fuse, exit the building and switch the circuit breaker next to the “D2” sign.

Guide: Where to Find and Use Green Key Cards in RustGuide: Where to Find and Use Green Key Cards in Rust

Turn around and go under the roof of the hangar to the building with the green code door. Open it and take inside the blue pass and loot from the boxes.

Satellite antenna

Find a rusty building next to a satellite dish and a ramp.

Guide: Where to Find and Use Green Key Cards in RustGuide: Where to Find and Use Green Key Cards in Rust

Insert the fuse inside, go outside, find the switch and turn it on.

Guide: Where to Find and Use Green Key Cards in RustGuide: Where to Find and Use Green Key Cards in Rust

Walk past the structure to the red pipe. Go into the gap and keep going to the end. Turn left at the intersection.

Guide: Where to Find and Use Green Key Cards in RustGuide: Where to Find and Use Green Key Cards in Rust

When you go outside, you will see on the right another rusty container with a green door. There will be a blue keycard and loot inside.

Guide: Where to Find and Use Green Key Cards in RustGuide: Where to Find and Use Green Key Cards in Rust

Sewer branch

Find a red building with a plank barricade instead of a door.

Guide: Where to Find and Use Green Key Cards in RustGuide: Where to Find and Use Green Key Cards in Rust

Make your way inside, insert the fuse into the box, and switch the switch at the far end of the room.

Guide: Where to Find and Use Green Key Cards in RustGuide: Where to Find and Use Green Key Cards in Rust

Go outside, turn left and go through the broken fence. There will be a descent into the sewer on the left. Walk down the pipe until you come across a code door.

Guide: Where to Find and Use Green Key Cards in RustGuide: Where to Find and Use Green Key Cards in Rust

After the door, turn right, walk to the end of the corridor and turn left.

Guide: Where to Find and Use Green Key Cards in Rust

In the next room, walk along the right wall to the ramp that leads to the landing in the center of the room. There will be a blue pass on the table.

Guide: Where to Find and Use Green Key Cards in RustGuide: Where to Find and Use Green Key Cards in Rust

We will tell you where to use blue access cards in the next guide.