It is expected that new processors will be produced using 5-nanometer technology at capacities TSMC. It is also possible that there will be more new chips. After all A13 was approximately 20% larger than A12. Productivity has grown at about the same level. So we can expect that in A14 there will be about the same increase.
Although, of course, this will depend not only on the number of transistors and the chip area, but also on the frequency.
As for the number of cores, there is still a field for forecasts. A12 and A13 each had two powerful cores and four less productive ones. Perhaps the layout will change in the new chip, which will significantly increase multithreaded performance. Also expected to increase the performance of the graphics subsystem, memory, and so on.
The growth is also expected in terms of artificial intelligence, which will improve image processing, machine learning technology, and so on.
Finally, the A14 could be the first Apple chip to decode the AV1 video codec in hardware, allowing the iPhone 12 to record better video than before. It remains to wait for the announcement to say whether this is so.